How ARKUS use Factory as a hub for their business

A conversation with:

Rebecca O’Hare

Office Manager

Company size
Key Features
  • Automated Notifications
  • Delivery Scheduling
  • Order Collaboration
  • Workflow


Before Factory, Rebecca reported facing lots of operational challenges within the business, “there was lots of paperwork and outdated processes,” she continued, “most jobs went through four to five different people during the entire process which caused a lot of time and production wastage.”

Prior to implementing Factory, Rebecca said the process strained productivity and impacted them financially
, “it was all paper, clipboards, and foot traffic.”


Rebecca said, “when Factory came to us, we thought it was too good to be true, our inefficiencies were what drove us to implement their software and it helped us highlight where we needed to improve.”


Since implementing Factory, ARKUS have streamlined their process and utilised the team to their fullest capabilities. “Seeing how far we have come is incredible, all departments are working in sync and we can track all moving parts of the manufacturing process on one screen in real time.”

ARKUS’s online presence has ramped up and the customer service process is smoother with fewer phone calls chasing order updates and more time to answer customer enquiries.

ARKUS’s story

ARKUS is a family-owned and operated sheet metal fabrication supplier. This trusted and reliable team of eight supply commercial and residential construction companies across Canberra and its surrounding areas.

With over 40 years experience in the industry, ARKUS provides standard sheet metal supplies, metal roofing, custom flashings, metal fabrication services and everything in between – “if it is on top of a house, we sell it”.

The Factory moment

Rebecca praised Factory’s onboarding service as a huge selling point which gave the time poor team a chance to focus on their service and leave the administrative processes to the software

How ARKUS use Factory

ARKUS have demonstrated improvements over the last six to eight months thanks to Factory’s features including:

  • Notifying customers about orders with easy SMS and email updates
  • Attaching purchase orders to each order to keep up to date with suppliers
  • Capturing signatures upon delivery
  • Tracking the progress of each department and knowing what is in progress or complete
  • Confirming orders

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